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1:1:1 Cat Canned: Video

1:1:1 Cat Canned

Cator 1:1:1 Cat Can 85g x 6 (Wet Food/Cat Can) 喵彩1:1:1汤汁猫罐




3 type of meats in one can, best in preventing cat become picky.

1 set with 6 cans

33% Beef Meat 牛肉🐂 + 33% Tuna 金枪鱼🐟 + 33% Chicken breast 鸡胸
A balanced mix of various raw materials, more in line with cats’ health needs

Let your Cat stay away from picky habit which caused by taken only one kind of meat.

Suitable for: 3 Months Kitten to adult cat
适用对象: 三个月以上的猫咪均可食用

😘Lovely suggestion: It is highly recommended that mom and dad who buy for the first time should buy in small amount first,   then only repurchase in high amount after make sure that the cat likes it~ This will avoid wasting money

Every can come with lid and spoon.
✔Rich in Taurine
✔Human Grade Food
✔Contain Soup
✔High quality
✔Easy to digest
✔Help your cat drink more water
❌No addictive
❌No jelly



1:1:1 Cat Canned: Services
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